Somewhere In Utah

a one-stop shop for Jason Piccolo's photography updates. fine art color and black and white photography.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


ted, originally uploaded by clermonthound.

Eddie snagged this candid shot of the infamous Ted Turner oil painting. he's been very close several times, but at last a shot of it...

his shirt collar is comprised of Satellite dishes

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ochopee Post Office

Ochopee, originally uploaded by clermonthound.

From the historic marker...

"Considered to be the smallest post office in the United States, this building was formerly an irrigation pipe shed belonging to the J. T. Gaunt Company tomato farm. It was hurriedly pressed into service by postmaster Sidney Brown after a disastrous night fire in 1953 burned Ochopee's general store and post office...."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

have you seen this man?

have you seen this man?